I joined the Folgore in 1999, inspired by the stories of my friend Marshal Lino Corsetti, now on leave. Corsetti, a non-commissioned officer in the Italian Army at the 11th Transmission Regiment 'Leonessa', was present at the old port of Mogadishu on 2 July 1993 at Brigade Headquarters. During the winter of 1998, he told me about the bloody battle at the pasta factory in Mogadishu. I remember very well that evening in the kitchen with him and his son Francesco Corsetti, then a VFB instructor corporal in Sora. His words prompted me to join the Army, or rather, the Folgore.
The Battle of Check Point Pasta. That was the trigger.
To be fair, he said verbatim, "... our Paratroopers of the Folgore, those of Siena and the raiders of the Ninth...". He did not speak of the Army. He spoke of Siena Parachutists and Ninth Incursors. Then it is clear to everyone that at that war event (yes, warlike, like it or not for lovers of political correctness), other units such as the Lancieri Montebello and other paratroopers such as the 183rd Par. Rgt. Nembo, 187th Par. Regiment Folgore and the Tuscania Parachute Carabinieri.
Like story in my military historyI was overwhelmed by a whirlwind of emotions. Italy had a unit of super-trained soldiers who had fought a bloody battle while I rode around on my Aprilia 50. I turned down my uncle's invitation to enlist, with my application already filled out, as a Naval Supplementary Officer and did my utmost to switch to the Army and join the Folgore, as a troop volunteer.
When several months later I was assigned, by pure chance, to the 186th Parachute Regiment Folgore (those of Siena...), already heir to the traditions and Heroic acts of El-AlameinThe day I entered Bandini, my legs trembled. In Siena, I had the opportunity to come into contact with those who had fought that battle and I was flattered. Also flattered, and proud of a friendship that still binds me today, 22 years after my discharge, with a raider from the 9th Regiment Col Moschin who fought that battle side by side with those who fought to the ultimate sacrifice. The Heroes.
Because, as Lieutenant-Col. Par. MOVM Gianfranco Paglia has repeatedly reminded us, they are the Heroes, those who are no longer among us physically, but will be eternally in our memory.
Andrea Millevoi, Pasquale Baccaro, Stefano Paolicchi. They are not dead. Because HE WHO FALLS COMBATING NEVER DIES.
E NEVER FORGET. For he who forgets his fallen betrays his homeland.

Here is our reconstruction of the Battle of 2 July 1993: https://brigatafolgore.net/2-luglio-1993-la-battaglia-del-check-point-pasta/