The 1st Carabinieri Parachute Regiment "Tuscania" is a "Tier 2" Special Forces unit belonging to the Carabinieri Corps.with a specific vocation for military missions outside national territory.

In spite of its strongly military nature, the regiment maintains the traditional vocation of the Arma, combining a high level of military training with judicial police skills.
The tasks of the 1st Carabinieri Parachute Regiment 'Tuscania' can be divided into three main categories:
- Military tasks (typical of paratroopers):
- Preventive occupation and defence of positions.
- Area interdiction and counter-interdiction (guerrilla and counter-guerrilla warfare).
- Support to Armed Forces contingents in 'out-of-area' operations, also with Military Police functions.
- Police tasks:
- Support for the Territorial Force.
- Security at diplomatic premises in 'at risk' countries.
- Escort to prominent personalities.
- Training tasks:
- Training and education of military personnel assigned to special departments.
Originally established as a battalion until 1996, since 2002 the 'Tuscania' has been part of the 2nd Mobile Carabinieri Brigade, together with other elite units such as the 7th 'Trentino-Alto Adige' Regiment, the 13th 'Friuli-Venezia Giulia' Regiment and the Special Intervention Group (GIS).
Its operational headquarters is located in Livorno, at the 'Vannucci' barracks.
Historical Origins
The department has its origins in the I Battalion CC.RR. Parachutistsformed in 1940 and deployed during the Second World War on the North African front. The unit distinguished itself in several operations, including garrisoning Lamluda, Derna and Cyrene, and was involved in heavy fighting against British and Libyan forces.
One of the most significant episodes was the Battle of Eluet El Asel in December 1941in which the battalion, reinforced by other units, resisted the attacks of a British mechanised brigade. Despite heavy losses, the unit managed to fall back, but was disbanded in March 1942.
Post-war evolution
The 'Tuscania' was reborn in 1951 in Viterbo as a rapid deployment unit for public order. In the following years, its headquarters moved to Livorno, where it was integrated into the Folgore Parachute Brigade. During this period, the department acquired war capabilities in addition to its traditional police duties, and in 1963 it was elevated to battalion status.
Over the years, the unit took part in numerous operations, including those to counter separatist terrorism in South Tyrol in the 1960s. The battalion was also involved in rescue operations during the Florence flood in 1966 and, in 1975, officially acquired the name 'Tuscania'. In 1996, the battalion became a regiment.
International Missions
The 'Tuscania' has participated in all of Italy's major international missions, including Lebanon, Somalia, Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan. In addition to military missions, the regiment has performed security duties for Italian embassies in high-risk countries, such as Libya, Somalia, and Afghanistan.
After the attacks in Paris and Brussels in 2015-2016, the 'Tuscania' set up Counter-Terrorism Task Units (TUAT), in cooperation with the GIS, deployed to protect sensitive locations and during special events in Europe.
Training and recruitment
To join the 'Tuscania', personnel must pass a rigorous training course. The 9-month course involves intensive training in various areas, including combat techniques, survival in hostile environments, parachuting and shooting with special weapons.
Operational use
The regiment is mainly employed in military operations, but also performs police tasks. Missions include the pre-emptive occupation of strategic positions, patrols in hostile areas, raids behind enemy lines and escorting diplomats in dangerous areas.