The Army Special Forces Command (COMFOSE), active since 19 September 2014, represents a milestone in the evolution of the Italian Army's special forces, marking a strategic and organisational transition from the past. The unit, operating at brigade level, is dedicated to the integrated management of all special forces units of the armed forces, including both special operations and operational support forces.
For over fifty years, the management and deployment of special forces has been the prerogative of the Folgore Parachute Brigade through the 9th Assault Regiment 'Col Moschin'. However, the beginning of the new millennium marked a turning point with the creation of two more units dedicated to special operations, reflecting a more focused and specialised approach within this doctrine.
The creation in the early 2000s of specific departments such as the 185th Parachute Reconnaissance Objective Acquisition Regiment (RAO) 'Folgore and the 4th Alpine Parachute Regiment was the first step that would lead to a real revolution in the field of special operations. The 185th Rgt RAO 'Folgore' maintained a close affiliation with its brigade of origin, while the creation and elevation of the 4th Alpine Parachute Regiment as a special operations force was an important external addition to the parachute brigade. This expansion and diversification of the Italian special forces reflected the desire to enhance the country's operational capabilities in complex scenarios, while ensuring an effective and versatile response.
In 2004, the establishment of the COFS (Joint Special Forces Operations Command)under the leadership of SMD (Defence General Staff), represented an important step in this direction, serving as a prelude to the birth of COMFOSE in 2014, in both cases highlighting Italy's progress and alignment with the standards and requirements of the armed forces of NATO member countries, emphasising the importance of innovation and adaptation to new international scenarios.
History and Tasks
The genesis of COMFOSE dates back to September 2013, as part of the 2012 Military Instrument Reform, desired by the then Minister of Defence, Admiral Giampaolo Di Paola. Brigadier General Nicola Zanelli was entrusted with the task of organising and operating this new structure, which was officially established on 19 September 2014.
Prior to its establishment, as mentioned above, the Italian Army had never had a single command for the control of its special forces, which were previously under the control of various commands and large units. The command became fully operational in February 2014, marking a significant moment in Italian military history.
As of 1 October 2016, COMFOSE came under the COMFOTER COE, outlining a new phase in its integration into the structure of the Italian armed forces.
The tasks of COMFOSE focus on ensuring unity in training, readiness, doctrinal and procedural development, as well as the acquisition of materials for the Special Forces/Special Operations Forces sector.
However, the command does not hold responsibility for the operational deployment of its departments, a task that remains assigned to the Inter-Forces Special Forces Operations Command (COFS), reporting directly to the Chief of Defence Staff.
In October 2018, the 'Dark Night 2018' exercise formally integrated the 185th Parachute Reconnaissance Objective Acquisition Regiment (RAO) 'Folgore' and the 4th Alpine Parachute Regiment into the Special Forces, an important step for COMFOSE, which thus consolidated its structure with three first-rate special forces units.
The COMFOSE command coordinates the following departments:
- 9th Parachute Assault Regiment 'Col Moschin' - Special Forces unit based in Livorno
- 185th Parachute Reconnaissance Target Acquisition Regiment "Folgore" - Special Forces unit based in Livorno.
- 4th Alpine Parachute Regiment - Special Forces unit based in Verona
- Special Operations Training Centre
- Special Operations Support Department
- In employment the 3rd Special Operations Helicopter Regiment 'Aldebaran'
COMFOSE Commanders
COMFOSE is headed by brigadier generals from the three special forces units of the Italian Army:
- Brigadier General Nicola Zanelli (9th Rgt 'Col Moschin'), September 2013 - 27 June 2016
- Brigadier General Stefano Mannino (185th Rgt RAO 'Folgore'), 27 June 2016 - 31 July 2017
- Brigadier General Ivan Caruso (4th Rgt Alpini Par.), 31 July 2017 - 1 August 2020
- Brigadier General Pietro Addis (9th Rgt 'Col Moschin'), 1 August 2020 - 14 September 2023
- Brigadier General Andrea Vicari (185th Rgt RAO 'Folgore'), 14 September 2023 - 5 September 2024
- Brigadier General Marco Mazone (4th Rgt Alpini Par.), 5 September 2024 - in office
The headquarters is located in the new military compound Lt. MOVM Dario Vitali in S.Piero a Grado (Pisa) and reports directly to the Land Operations Forces Command (COMFOTER).