The 186th Parachute Regiment 'Folgore recently concluded an important training cycle in a warfighting scenario on the Montagnola Senese, aimed at strengthening the operational and readiness capabilities of its personnel. The exercises, called "BOA' (23-27 September) e "SWINE" (14-18 October)were organised with the aim of perfecting technical-tactical procedures in a combat scenarioproviding paratroopers with a training experience that simulates real-life intervention situations in hostile environments.
During the exercises, the paratroopers measured themselves in highly realistic scenarios. Each phase was structured with opposing parties, i.e. teams facing each other to test their tactical and decision-making skills. To enhance realism, blank ammunition and sophisticated simulation systems such as the SIAT (Integrated Terrestrial Training System) and the TWS (Training Wall System).
The training environment, characterised by rugged terrain, challenging weather conditions and degraded communications, allowed the soldiers to operate in conditions very similar to the real ones. The training of the 'Folgore' personnel is fundamental for the strengthening of the Italian Army's operational capabilities and for guaranteeing the Defence high capacitive standards for interventions in crisis and emergency situations.
The 186th Parachute Regiment Folgore
The 186th Parachute Regiment Folgore is the heir to the 186th 'Folgore' Regiment deployed in the Battle of El Alamein. Formerly classified as 5th Battalion 'El Alamein'regiment in the 1992 as part of the restructuring of the Italian army and is stationed in Siena at the Bandini barracks.
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