The transformation in the Italian Army continues at a fast pace. In a climate of concrete actions and little talk, with a huge departure from his predecessors (do not hold it against us, but on this platform, for the good of the country and its defence system let us give Caesar what is Caesar's), the Commander C.A. Parachutist Gen. Carmine Masiello is forging the Armed Forces using EXCLUSIVELY the best.
The Operational Forces Command South with the dependent Brigata Granatieri di Sardegna, Brigata Aosta, Brigata Pinerolo, Brigade Sassari and the Bersaglieri Garibaldi Brigade represents the largest operational component in the Italian Army with approximately 20,000 men. It is a complex structure to manage, considering the plurality of heavy, medium and light subordinate units and the number of men and women who are part of it.
The Chief of Staff once again gave a clear signal of renewal to the entire Armed Force. The appointment of the General C.A. Angelo Michele Ristuccia he Commander of COMFOP SUD in fact identifies a precise profile of General Officer, determined to achieve the objectives of efficiency and capacity of the Units under his command, thanks to his vast professional and experiential background.
In the last five years he has been, as Commander of the Brigade Ariete, in charge of the VJTF, the high readiness force at NATO's disposal, later Commander of the Italian contingent in Iraq and finally the 13th Italian Commander of KFOR, NATO's Mission in Kosovo. An internationally recognised Commander, on whom General Masiello can fully rely to guarantee COMFOP SUD the quality standards necessary to face the nation's onerous commitments.
Appointed instead Chief of Staff of COMFOP SOUTH the Major General Massimiliano Belladonna.
Coming from the Friuli Brigade, where he held the position of Commander, he had already worked under General Ristuccia when he held the position of Commander of the Vittorio Veneto Division. A-129 Mongoose attack helicopter pilotis an officer with a brilliant career, recipient of several national and international honours and decorations, including the Army Gold Medal for ValourOfficer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, United States Air Medal with 'Valor', United States Meritorious Service Medal, as well as numerous Solemn Citation.
Certainly, COMFOP SOUTH has acquired a top-level command line, worthy of its history and ready to face future challenges.