- Amorphous, potente piattaforma per il controllo autonomo dei Droni.
- In tempo record, l'AISE prende contatti in Libia
- Lynx KF41: Il Futuro Corazzato dell’Esercito Italiano
- L'Ammiraglio Cavo Dragone: attenzione la pace non è gratis
- Il KF51 Panther: Il rivoluzionario Carro per l'Esercito Italiano
- L'Ufficale dei Paracadutisti Giuseppe Scuderi promosso Generale di Divisione
- Il Generale Carmine Masiello incontra la Multinational Division South
- Change of leadership for the KFOR mission, the 183rd Parachute Regiment Nembo takes command of Regional Command West
- Il Generale Paracadutista Mandolesi è il nuovo Comandante JTF - UNIFIL
- La migliore scelta: 380 carri armati e 1000 IFV
- CA Gen. Carmine Masiello in House hearing: 'Invest in the new generations, ideas have no degrees'
- Global Firepower 2025, Italy is the second military power in the European Community and the tenth in the world
- Parachutist General Rodolfo Sganga new Chief of Staff of the NATO JFC Naples
- The 185th RRAO Regiment 'Folgore' receives the F Squadron Historical Banner
- Forty new engineers for the 8th Engineer Regiment battalion of the 'Folgore' Parachute Brigade
- More than 300 paratroopers supporting the police in Naples for the execution of judicial orders
- Parachute Lieutenant General Giovanni Iannucci is the new Commander of the COVI (Inter-Forces Summit Operations Command)
- salutes 2024: 12 articles in 12 months
- 171 New Parachutists for the Folgore
- Mongoose 2024, historic training event for the Folgore concluded
- The city of Tolentino celebrates the heirs of the Assault Division 'Nembo' with honorary citizenship
- The 185th Parachute Artillery Regiment Folgore at the international exercise 'Dynamic Front 25'.
- General Masiello: 'Prepare for war so there can be peace. The Army is either technological or it is not. Training and values are our strengths".
- Trump wins the US election. What changes in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, for Europe and NATO.
- Change in leadership of the 184th Command and Tactical Support Unit 'Nembo'
- 4 November 1918: Victory Day
- Parachutist Officer Rodolfo Sganga appointed General of the Army Corps
- Warfighting scenario exercises "BOA" and "CINGHIALE" for the 186th Parachute Regiment Folgore
- General Federico Bernacca is the new Commander of the Folgore Parachute Brigade
- 82nd Anniversary of the Battle of El-Alamein amidst a thousand emotions: the memory of the brave Lions, the change of Brigade Commander and the tribute to Vincenzo Aiello
- Vincenzo Aiello, 185th RGT Par. RAO 'Folgore' soldier found dead
- Launch of the Folgore Parachute Brigade's War Flags in Honour of the 82nd Anniversary of the Battle of El Alamein
- High-level performance for the Parachutists of the 'Savoia Cavalry' Regiment (3rd) in the United Kingdom at the 'Cambrian Patrol
- The Thunderbolt trains on the deployment of an Advanced Command Post following airstrikes in enemy territory
- Colonel Andrea Bandieri is the new Commander of the 9th Col Moschin
- Special Forces, the 4th Alpini Parachute Regiment receives the green beret
- ZONA PARACA, the Social Network for Folgore Parachutists of all ages
- September of intensive training for the 183rd Parachute Regiment "Nembo" in Monte Romano
- St. Michael the Archangel wishes to all Parachutists of Italy, of every era and generation
- 23 October 2024, date set for Parachute Specialty Day
- The Folgore in Holland at Falcon Leap 24 for the 80th Anniversary of'Operation Market Garden
- We answer those who do not want the Army in schools: why it is important for young people to learn about the instruments of national defence
- New Parachutists for the Folgore, patenting ceremony and the amaranth beret
- General C.A. Luciano Antonio Portolano appointed new Chief of Defence Staff
- 17 September 2009 - 17 September 2024: remembering the fallen in Kabul
- Change at the top of the Savoia Cavalry, Col. Giandomenico Di Spirito is the new commander
- Because the Folgore under COMFOTER is more than just a reorganisation
- Complex NATO exercise for the Folgore, Saber Junction 2024 concluded in Germany
- German paratroopers train with the Folgore: compatibility between the EPC-C parachute and the A400M aircraft tested
- Change at the top of Special Forces: General Manzone new COMFOSE Commander
- New procedure for requesting a duplicate military parachutist licence and personal jump booklet
- Folgore Revolution, the Parachute Brigade under the direct command of the COMFOTER
- "Safe roads", echoed by the Chief of EMS General Bertolini: "a disaster for the Italian Army".
- General Masiello: 'Strade Sicure' weakens Italian defence apparatus
- Parachutist Raider General Yuri Grossi assumes leadership of the 'Pinerolo' Brigade
- How to apply for a duplicate military parachutist licence and personal jump booklet
- NATO, Italy takes over leadership of Allied Reaction Force with NRDC-ITA
- The Army NCO visits the 232nd Transmission Regiment and the 185th Parachute Artillery Regiment "Folgore"
- Yet another laudable initiative of the Italian military in Kosovo, charity race for cancer research
- 2 July 1993 - 2 July 2024, WHO FALLS COMBATING NEVER DIES
- Between History and Innovation: Transmitters of Italy celebrate 71st Anniversary
- General C.A. Gaetano Zauner visits the 'Folgore' Parachute Brigade
- Completion of the Patrolman Course for Cadets at the Petty Officers School
- Folgore, non-stop training: 'Eager Lion 2024' Exercise in Jordan concluded
- Impressive demonstration of strength by the Folgore: embarked in Italy and launched in Sweden in the ex. NATO Swift Response 24
- The Commander of the US Special Operations Command: 'British special forces present in Ukraine'.
- Armed Forces defuse a World War II bomb in the province of Cremona
- The Spanish press celebrates the launch with the 'world's largest' 1,350 m2 flag, but forgets the real world record of 1,600 m2 by Colonel Filippini
- British Paratroopers mean business: impressive tactical and fire demonstration in the NATO Swift Response exercise
- Lieutenant General Domenico Ciotti in Kosovo for the #039;Exercise Golden Sabre
- Special Forces, ceremony for the awarding of Brevets to the Rangers of the 4th Alpini Parachute Regiment
- Army Corps General Carmine Masiello visiting the Army Special Forces Command and the 185th RRAO "Folgore"
- Self-defence for women in Kosovo: extraordinary initiative of the Italian contingent led by Colonel Francesco Ferrara
- Folgore Parachutists and Special Forces at the Italian Army's 163rd anniversary ceremony
- C.A. Gen. Masiello to the Corriere: 'The Army must be strengthened, and quickly'. Summary and considerations of the long interview with the Chief of the EMS.
- General Masiello in Paris: Italian-French cooperation for a safer Mediterranean
- Ended the ex. 'Temper of Steel', simulated a conflict under the aegis of NATO Art. 5, which provides for the collective defence of the members of the alliance
- Sudden illness, paratrooper Davide Dalla Pria dies at only 32 years of age
- Delay in Delivery of MRAP Vehicles from Germany to the Ukraine
- US releases military aid to Ukraine: 60.8 billion to Kiev
- Intense Battle at Chasiv Yar, 25,000 Russian Paratroopers Attempt Assault
- Noble Blueprint 24, massive NATO Live Fire Exercise in Bulgaria
- C.A. Gen. (res) Parachutist Raider Marco Bertolini re-elected president of the National Parachute Association of Italy
- Parachutist General Pietro Lo Giudice is the new Commander of COMSUPLOG (Comando dei Supporti Logistici dell'Esercito)
- Parachutists from the 'Savoia Cavalry' Regiment (3rd) and AVES personnel conclude the 1st advanced SERE course
- Parachutists of the 183rd Nembo train in warfighting scenarios
- When the going gets tough, the Parachutists start playing
- One year after the death of Parachutist Petty Officer Gianluca Spina, delegation from the 186th Rgt. Folgore visiting his home town
- In Krakow the NATO Special Operations Senior Leaders' Conference. Parachutist Colonel Luigi Pulli attended
- Pope Francis receives Strade Sicure soldiers: honorary paratrooper licence for His Holiness
- Paratrooper Alessandro Grassano promoted to Division General
- L'Amerigo Vespucci doubles Cape Horn: Journey through Italian Pride and Excellence
- Ecuadorian special forces raid the Mexican embassy and arrest former Vice President Jorge Glass convicted of corruption
- L'Parachutist Officer Roberto Vergori promoted to Division General
- Conclusion of the MEDUSA 2024 exercise
- Watch out for those two! Gen. C.A. Ristuccia is the new Commander of COMFOP SOUTH, Gen. Div. Belladonna the new Chief of Staff
- Conclusion of the 15th amphibious qualification course 'Charlie' at the Lagunari Regiment Serenissima
- Commander Carmine Masiello visiting the Army's Multifunctional Experimentation Centre
- The best wishes of Chief of the EMS Gen. C.A. Parachutist Carmine Masiello to the personnel of the'Army
- Gen. Geoffrey Norman, US Army: 'Soon the introduction of a robotic platoon in the armoured brigades'
- The 185th RRAO honours the memory of Sergeant Salvatore Marracino who fell in Iraq in 2005
- Crosetto: 'the Italian armed forces are not ready', echoed by the Chief of the SMD. Future scenarios and possible solutions
- L'Army at the service of the citizen: major war ordnance clearance work from north to south
- NATO, new ARF force ready, Parachutist General Lorenzo D'Addario meets Commanders
- Farewell to General Paolo Inzerilli, head of Gladio between 1974 and 1986
- The Folgore and the#039;honour of arms: a recognition between heroism and oblivion
- Historic all-female launch of the 173rd US Airborne Brigade in Italy
- They fooled the Nazis: Gold Medal to the Ghost Army
- US denial of Special Forces presence in Taiwan
- Second stage of the exhibition 'Mogadishu - Somalia - Check Point Pasta 1993-2023'.
- 131 officers promoted to the rank of lieutenant in the 201st 'EXEMPTION' course
- L'Arkansas deploys National Guard soldiers to the US-Mexico border
- Extreme selectivity of the Spanish Navy: only three trainees survive the FGNE 2024 raid course
- US parachutists in Norway for Arctic Shock Exercise
- British Army in Parachute crisis, €9,000 incentive for those who want to join
- Operation Smeraldo, when the Navy Commando were close to Moro's hideout
- Reintroduction of Compulsory Leverage, a debate more open than ever
- Mission accomplished, the War Flag of the 186th Parachute Regiment 'Folgore' returned to Italy
- General Masiello at the demonstration of the 'IMPERIO' System: Towards a Digital Future for the Army
- The 185th RRAO 'Folgore' visits the historical sites of'Operation Herring
- The changing wind, Paratroopers at the top
- Visit of General C.A. Carmine Masiello to the 185th Parachute Artillery Regiment 'Folgore
- Beautiful initiative between the Army and Rugby for Italy-Scotland at the Six Nations
- Inauguration of the photo exhibition 'Check Point Pasta Mogadishu 1993-2023' at the Military Academy of Modena
- General Masiello meets with COMLOG and COMFORDOT staff
- CWO exercise in an Arctic environment for the 2nd Alpini
- General Masiello visiting Strade Sicure soldiers
- Suspension Gen. Vannacci, new COMFOTER Chief of Staff arrives
- Completion of ERMES 1/24 exercise in Bulgaria
- Change at the top, General Masiello takes command of the Army
- General Roberto Vergori appointed Chief of the General Office of the new Chief of Staff of the Italian Army
- Ethics and Artificial Intelligence with Professor Paolo Benanti at the Teulié
- First training phase for the Italian-led NATO Battle Group in Bulgaria
- General Serino says goodbye, 'Super' General Carmine Masiello arrives
- 9th Cyber Security Regiment 'ROMBO' achieves a prestigious 3rd place at Defence Cyber Marvel 3
- A war device neutralised in Faenza, bomb disposal unit of the 'FOLGORE'.
- Courage and dedication: amaranth beret presentation ceremony for new paratroopers in Pisa
- Ukrainian forces retreat from Avdiivka, for the Russians the greatest wartime success
- The GMV Flyer 72 is the new tactical vehicle of the Folgore
- A historic appointment: General Carmine Masiello, the first Paratrooper to be appointed Chief of Staff of the Italian Army
- Operation eVA: handover of command in Hungary between the Folgore Paratroopers and the Aosta Brigade
- Lieutenant Alberto Garau's honours in the historical museum of the Sassari Brigade
- The Presence of the Italian Army at the Sanremo Festival: between music and sharing
- Cyber attacks in the military context: a growing threat to global security
- The 132nd Tank Regiment leading NATO's Forward Land Force Battle Group
- L'Italian Army launches Cyber Security Awareness App
- The Folgore Parachute Brigade at the 10th AIACC in Canada
- Military Parachutist Profession: How to join the Folgore in 2024
- Change at the helm of the Joint Task Force-Lebanon: the 'Taurinense' Alpine Brigade leads the western sector
- Parachutist General Carmine Masiello Chief of EMS, maybe we are really there
- is back online
- Regulation on coats of arms and military uniforms for commercial and non-commercial use, let us clarify
- Birth and evolution of the Special Forces, an all-Italian story
- 17th Incursor Wing
- Comando Subacquei e Incursori 'Teseo Tesei' (COMSUBIN)
- Special Intervention Group (GIS)
- 1st Carabinieri Parachute Regiment 'Tuscania
- Special Forces Operations Command (C.O.F.S.)
- Folgore Parachute Logistic Regiment
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- General 'Aquila 1' Ferruccio Brandi: the myth beyond the legend
- Somalia-gate, the only scandal is the hoax
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- Lagunari Regiment 'Serenissima', daring and valour by land and sea
- Afghanistan, Resolute Support and (sad) epilogue
- Italian casualties in Afghanistan
- 3rd Special Operations Helicopter Regiment 'Aldebaran'
- Task Force 45: the invisible soldiers
- 132nd Armoured Brigade Ariete, history and current affairs
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- The Sassari Brigade, password: Victory
- The Bersaglieri, from King Carlo Alberto to the present day
- The glorious Alpini, a wonderful Italian history for over 150 years
- Afghanistan, the role of the Folgore
- Parachute Training Centre
- 185th Parachute Artillery Regiment Folgore
- 3rd Savoy Cavalry Regiment, history and current affairs
- 4th Alpine Parachute Regiment
- 186th Parachute Regiment Folgore
- FotoFolgore
- 187th Parachute Regiment Folgore
- 185th Parachute Reconnaissance Target Acquisition Regiment "Folgore
- 183rd Parachute Regiment Nembo
- 8th Parachute Engineer Regiment Folgore
- Units deployed in Somalia
- Somalia, history and context
- L'Operation IBIS in Somalia
- Italian fallen in Somalia
- Aquila 1: the legendary Folgore Commanders
- Parachutist General Giuseppe Palumbo: l'MAN FOLGORE
- ISAF, Afghanistan 2001-2014: the context
- Sicilian Vespers, Sicily 1992
- Italcon Lebanon 2, 1982-84
- My Brigade: The (real) story of a Folgore paratrooper
- 9th Col Moschin Regiment: the spearhead
- History of the Folgore
- The Folgore Parachute Brigade today
- 2 July 1993, The Battle of Check Point Pasta
- Missions of the Folgore
- Archangel St Michael: the Patron Saint of Parachutists
- 17 September 2009, Kabul, the Folgore under attack
- 9 November 1971: the drama of 'Chalk 4'.
- Interview with Gianfranco Paglia
- Interview with Giampiero Monti
- The Battle of El Alamein
- The Songs of the Folgore Parachutists
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AE Global Templates
- The devil's elbow
- Operation Medusa. The crucial battle of the war in Afghanistan
- El Alamein sand d'around rock in the heart. From the memoirs of Santo Pelliccia, Folgore Division
- Folgore! ...and died Diary of a paratrooper
- The Black Devils. The true story of the Battle of Mogadishu