The Army Application and Training Command School is hosting the second stage of the exhibition 'Mogadishu - Somalia - Check Point Pasta 1993-2023', following its inauguration at the Military Academy of Modena.
Through a photographic narrative, the exhibition traces a crucial period in recent history of international intervention in Somalia, between 1992 and 1994focusing in particular on the battle that took place on 2 July 1993 at Check Point Pasta in Mogadishu. The exhibition is not only a tribute to the fallen and wounded soldiers of that occasion - including Second Lieutenant Andrea Millevoi, Sergeant Major Stefano Paolicchi and Corporal Pasquale Baccaro, all awarded the Gold Medal for Military Valour - but also intends to offer an in-depth perspective on the role of the Italian Army in the post-war international context, highlighting its commitment to the defence of peace and global security.
The opening ceremony, presided over by Parachutist General Stefano Mannino, Commander of the Training Institute, and enriched by the presence of Brigadier General (res.) Matteo Paesano, curator of the exhibition, as well as Lieutenant Colonel Parachutist Gold Medal for Military Valour Gianfranco Paglia, began with a conference dedicated to the young officers of the 201st and 202nd courses. The event not only paid tribute to the sacrifice and self-sacrifice of the military, but also took on a profound cultural and social significance, emphasising the importance of memory and historical awareness among the new generations of the armed forces.
Ultimately, 'Mogadishu - Somalia - Check Point Pasta 1993-2023' represents an opportunity for learning, remembrance and reflection, emphasising the deeper meaning of serving in the Armed Forces, highlighting the importance of commitment to maintaining peace and security, universal values that transcend the specific context of Somalia. In this way, the exhibition is a respectful tribute and a moment of cultural growth, reaffirming the educational role of the Armed Forces in society.