The Chief of Army Staff, General C.A. Parachutist Carmine Masiello, he stated, in a long interview with Corrierethe need for an immediate reinforcement of Italian defensive capabilities. The Commander of the Italian Army also emphasised the urgency of integrating advanced technologies and increasing the number of soldiers to face modern and imminent challenges.
During the ceremony for the 163rd anniversary of the ArmyMasiello outlined his strategy to transform the Army into a technologically advanced armed force ready to respond quickly to any threat. 'Italy must become a nation with a real and credible deterrence capability', he stated.
Technological innovation and training: the pillars of the new strategy
The General proposed an ambitious modernisation plan that emphasises the adoption of innovative technologies and intensive training. Among the priorities, he emphasised the importance of reducing the acquisition time of new technologies and streamlining acquisition procedures to keep up with the fast-changing world.
Masiello also stressed the need for an Italian and European defence industrywhich understands the current challenges and invests adequately to meet the needs of the armed forces. This approach is supported by the Minister of Defence, who has already started working on accelerating the acquisition procedures.
A focus on youth and community
Masiello expressed a particular interest in involving young people in the army's renewal process. 'I am banking on young people, I will listen to their ideas', he said, emphasising how young people are key to intercepting technological and evolutionary changes.
Strengthening capacity and staffing levels
In response to questions on Italy's current defence capabilities, the General clarified that although Italy is not at war, the international situation requires a well-prepared army with sufficient human resources. He cited the need for at least 10,000 additional soldiers to deal adequately with international crises, an increase also supported recently by Admiral Cavo Dragone, Chief of Defence Staff.
Values and integrity: indispensable foundations
Finally, Masiello emphasised the importance of traditional military values, which remain a fundamental pillar despite the evolution of military strategies and technologies. "Values are the thread running through the history of a military institution and do not allow for derogations, hesitations or second thoughts"he concluded.
Final considerations
The vision outlined by General Carmine Masiello for the future of the Italian Army reflects a growing awareness of the challenges imposed by the contemporary geopolitical landscape.
The emphasis on youth involvement and technological innovation will not only better prepare Italy to face future threats, but also encourages a culture of continuous evolution and adaptation that can serve as a model for other nations. Furthermore, the emphasis on the Army's values and integrity ensures that the development of military capabilities does not come at the expense of ethics and internal cohesion, while also ensuring that the armed force remains in tune with the values and expectations of the society it serves.
The Army's credibility in the eyes of civil society is crucial to maintain a bond of trust and mutual support. Through inclusion and respect for shared values, the Army not only gains in efficiency and operational readiness, but also establishes itself as an entity that protects and represents the community in which it operates.
General Carmine Masiello emerges as an 'in age' Commandera first for the Italian armed force. His approach represents a real breath of fresh air for the country, which not only modernises equipment and tactics by guiding the armed force towards a transformation that reflects the needs of an ever-changing global context, but also reinvents, or rather reshapes, the military's role in society, making it more up-to-date and accessible but still in line with the values it represents.
In this way, the General does not merely modernise equipment and tactics, but profoundly renews the very identity of the Italian Army, positioning it as an innovative force first on the 'domestic' scenario and then, consequently, on the international one. A true cultural and social evolution.